Yew Board Co. is a Bordeaux start-up that develops premium quality Softboards (foam surfboards) for all surfers, from beginner to experienced. Why softboards? Because they are "safe", performing, fun, "cheap" and recyclable. The ambition of the brand is to make more accessible Softboards of the highest quality in order to provide pleasure and security to its users.
The Yew Boards Co range consists of 6 models: 5'6, 6, 6'6, 7 ', 7'6 and 8'. Made from the finest "soft" materials, Yew Booards are designed to be lightweight, strong and secure at the same time. Shapes (designs) are carefully thought out for maximum comfort and performance.
Top surfers like Naum Ildefonnse and Nico Rémi are already having fun surfing!
In addition to its commitment to quality manufacturing, Yew Board Co. also engages socially by financially supporting the association "Surfeurs solidaires" which has been working for 10 years for the economic and social development of coastal areas of underdeveloped countries thanks to Surf. Its actions are reflected in the collection of equipment (boards, suits, accessories ...) from donors and the organization of equipment routing missions to the local sports associations.
I'm Manuel Candelon, I started surfing on the Mediterranean coast in my little village of Camargue almost 20 years ago after having decided to put an end to my career as a footballer. In 2005, I decided to leave my region to immigrate to the South West to pass my State Diploma of Surf Instructor. After 10 teaching seasons in several surf schools on the Gascon coast, I decided to launch my brand of Softboards alongside Surf Coaching.
In 2015, I drop YEW Surfboards at the INPI. The adventure is launched ... I'm looking for the best foam board. I spend hours sourcing manufacturers around the world on the Internet. I travel to the Asian continent, visit factories, test samples, break boards in half at first use and start to seriously doubt. Morally worn to receive boards miles away from my quality requirements, I finally find the source; a real partner with whom we start to develop Shapes, constructions, graphic designs ... Today, the range of boards is ready to be produced and with my team, we can not wait to introduce them to you. But for that, I need a little boost ...
About Surfeurs solidaires:
Since the mythical autumn 2001 (a month of beautiful waves and good weather that have made us grow wings), the association Surfers Solidaires is active to share the pleasures of surfing, with a disadvantaged public in the countries developing. Our objective is to encourage the setting up of associative structures, type club-school managed by and for the young people, and to give them the means to function in autonomy. Awareness of respect for the environment and the protection of the coastline is our second priority. Our hope is, that around surfing, by meeting / confrontation with nature and the practice of associative activities, girls and boys can live a more active insertion in their village and become real actors of their seaside ... and so with their lives.
Since 2001 Surfers Solidaires has offered surfing equipment in Morocco, Madagascar, Ivory Coast and Sierra Leon, Algeria, Iran, Lebanon and Venezuela.
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