"Maewan adventure" is a sailboat going through the world during 4 years. Since 2015, Erwan is searching unexplored places, only accesible by the ocean. It's also an extrem sports platform, with scientifics research on human body and nature.
Proposing this 4 years project, Erwan wants to sail far... far away, up to the North, but also up to the South..... To let himself being guide by nature, avoid passing by articial passage as Panama canal......Most of all, going trhough the wild, the deepest polar region, searching for the most extreme conditions.
Finally, it's a 4 years all around the world trip, going to places where nobody land a foot before!
The crew will change depending projects; every one is on top of his discipline, known and internationally recognized. Their passion for exploration will lead them through virgin slopes, inviolate summits, unknown seas...
During this time, Maewan became ambassador for the ONG Plankton Planet (; so we'll take time to collect plankton into those ocean not so many frequented, into North West passage, between Groenland and Kamchatka peninsula, so they will be examined by searchers and international scientifics.
As project is also to test human, we will be submited to studies, to compare stres effects and tiredness in extrem conditions, so they will identify some similary factors.
For sure, Strong emotions!!
Goal is multiple: Meet, Listen, Learn, Share
> Meet Inuit people: share with them, ask them about the world, how they see it, how they see future, lear how they live, and what about strong and intensive fishing, melting ice, etc....
> Physical and sportive challenge: idea is to kitesurf into Bering Strait; it means that depending where we will be, i will change day and at the same time country.... what a symbol!!
> watch and understand: intensive fishing, economic and ecologic issues..... To really see and understand impact on those lands how industial fishing destroy places, as they now pass by North West passage. Which consequences for Nature?....
Hello! My name is Fabienne d'Ortoli, i am an ex professional sportive, i had 2 world champion titles, several European and French champion titles, from 2001 and 2010, and at the same time, i'm a freerider, vagabond, adventurer and in love with Nature, Animals and Life!
My life is dedicaced to Ocean, Nature, sliding sport, travel, meeting and animals.
After more than 10 years as a professional kitesurfer, between competitions ans travels, i settle down to Britany, at the west point. Since 4 years, i have my own activity of aquagym in the ocean! (i am also a swimming instructor!). So i can share my passion for ocean, and continue kitesurf,surf, and travel for specifics projects, as this one, with a main cause: NATURE.
Thanks to Financials funds, this sportive, humanitary and ecologic project will be possible!
1st STEP
- Join Maewan, with all the equipment necessary for this adventure: kitesurf of course but also all equipment for the cold! Also a stand up board so people can discover our passion, and share a strong moment with them.
- administratives costs: Visa, Assurance, ESTA...
- Products et clothes adapted....
2nd STEP
- use picture so we can share it with you! vidéo, photo , book....
This picture will show you how we calculate the cost, at the mimimum....SO WE NEED YOUR HELP!!
4 années d'aventures passées et à venir, donc en 4 points voici ce qui nous plait dans ce projet :
> Mettre un voilier à la disposition des équipes, un camp de base au coeur de régions inexplorées pour escalader, skier, explorer, voler, plonger…
> Une équipe d’athlètes de classe mondiale dans les disciplines outdoor : Voile, alpinisme, ski, escalade, escalade de glace, apnée libre, base-jump… Et cette fois-ci c'est Fabienne qui accepte le défi !!
> 8 projets phares jalonnent le voyage, dont plusieurs premières mondiales.
> Création et diffusion de contenus via une plate-forme web: reportages, vidéos, journal de bord, réseaux sociaux…
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