The Brest based non-profit organisation, Iodysséus, which develops sailing oceanography for the knowledge and preservation of the ocean, publishes its first magazine.
It's done, after many twists and turns, Iodysséus has produced and published its magazine for all sea lovers. This 40-page magazine aims to bear witness to our expeditions, to share our scientific research, but also to make people dream, to bring the knowledge and beauty of the microscopic marine world to the eyes of the general public. As Antoine de Saint-Exupéry told us "the essential is invisible to the eye", it is therefore important to make this knowledge accessible to all and to discover the ocean from a new point of view.
Iodysséus is recognized by the United Nations as a program of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
Our first objective: 2200 €.
The collection will enable us to finance educational kits and to distribute our educational booklet free of charge in schools and to sick children of the association "one child - one future".
Le plancton fournit une respiration sur deux, il est indispensable à l'équilibre climatique et au moins 5O % de l'humanité en dépend pour son alimentation. Alors depuis son origine en 2016, Iodysséus rencontre et étudie avec les scientifiques ce "petit peuple de le mer" afin de mieux le comprendre et de l'expliquer au plus grand nombre.
Bravo pour ce beau projet !