The multiplicity of fast deliveries favors the use of cardboard as easy and cheap packaging, considered ephemeral, cardboard can be reused to allow the creation of new objects, solid, light and transparent.
The purpose of the TRASHBOARD project is to transform cardboard into an riding object such as Seeking the beauty and solidity of a forgotten material is our ambition.
Set up a circular economy to recycle forgotten materials.
It's a new era, waste has become gold!
After a carrer in architecture, François left his job for his passion: skateboarding.
Inspire by the the environment, he developp a sustainable material based on recycled cardboard and Bio-based epoxy resin.
8 500€ = Purchase of materiel + Lunch of 50 prototypes
11 000€= Purchase of materiel + Lunch of 50 prototypes + Marketing campaign summer 2021
13 500€= Purchase of materiel + Lunch of 50 prototypes + Marketing campaign summer 2021+ E commerce
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