This new edition of the Trail for the Ocean is very special to us:
it is the third one and we are running for William,
So, on June 6th, we are running, as every year, 25 kms along the famous GR34, from Morgat to Pen Hir. This year, we are inviting trailers to join us. But, the trail does not end here. It continues on September 8th, from Pen Hir to Morgat, rowing our va'a.
In between these 2 dates we need your contibution in order to collect 4500€
As everybody I encounter our pollution around the world onshore as well as offshore and its deadly effects. Each and everyone of us can act to help our ocean and us. Organising and running this Trail for the Ocean is a positive step in the right direction.
As everybody I encounter our pollution around the world onshore as well as offshore and its deadly effects. Each and everyone of us can act to help our ocean and us. Organising and running this Trail for the Ocean is a positive step in the right direction.
"In my life surfing and running go hand in hand. So do Land and Sea. When on my board I see plastic debris too often. While running in remote areas I also run over plastic. The story goes that wrapping up a session, full of plastic debris all around me, I decided to help the Ocean : I would organise, the Trail For The Ocean in order to collect funds for those who research and help protect our Ocean.
So on finishing our trail on September 8th we will allocate the full amount of all your donations to both Iodysseus
and Un Enfant un Avenir
to support the Iodysseus programm:
The Iodysséus program (sailing, marine ecology, and atmospheric microbiology) has obtained international recognition for the first time, thanks to the efforts of our team, as well as the support of our partners and patrons.
Iodysséus has just been recognized by the United Nations as an Ocean Science Program for Sustainable Development.
In addition, Iodysséus has been awarded the SOT (Ship Observations Team) certificate, issued under the auspices of the WMO (World Meteorological Organization) and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, which confirms data quality, availability and accessibility to the international scientific community.
2 Minutes pour comprendre Iodysseus - YouTube
The kids from the Morvan Hospital in Brest (Brittany-France)
Together with Association Un Enfant Un avenir, we want to invite 20 cancer children from the Morvan Hospital to spend a full day onboard our scientific boat in order to discover the Iodysseus programm and understand how vital the Ocean is for us all. As William puts it:
"we could see sharks, whales and whale sharks..."
Our non profit organisation
For the last 20 years I've been running and surfing on all continents. I have come across so much plastic pollution both in land and in the wave that I have decided to act.
I launched our non-profit organisation OVER THE SWELL which aims at supporting professional programs geared at protecting our Ocean. Our moto is: Running to surf a clean ocean.
OVER THE SWELL organises A TRAIL FOR THE OCEAN, a 25km coastal trail, every year in order to raise money for these great programs.
Our special thanks this year to William and his approach to the Ocean and Romane for a great voice.
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