Hobie One in Morbihan


Montpellier, France


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Marc and Amélie embark on the Morbihan Challenge, a non-engine, mixed-crew race that promotes ecology and gender equality in sailing!

Hello !

We, Amelie and Marc, are going on an Adventure. In July, we will participate in a sailing race in Morbihan: the (well named) Morbihan Challenge. And now is the time for us to invite you to participate in this Adventure!

The Morbihan Challenge

As explained above, the Morbihan Challenge is a French sailing race. It starts in Vannes, pops out of the Gulf of Morbihan, goes around Houat, finds its way into the harbor of Lorient, and stops for 12 hours in Hennebont. Then, as Bilbo says, “there and back again”: we come out of the harbor, find our way around the island of Groix, before reaching the Gulf Morbihan again and returning to Vannes. In all, we anticipate 3 to 4 days of racing, depending on the wind, the current, the boat, the luck ...

Race track : https://cdn.streamlike.com/play?pid=f5788be61ab239...

All boats can participate, on the very simple condition of having no engine on board, even in case of emergency! In these conditions, nobody knows who can win because the boats will be of all kinds: large mono or multihulls, sail-rowing, canoes, light sailboats ...

Another singularity of the race that has convinced us to jump in: crews are necessarily mixed! Because, as you may not know it, sailing, regattas, the good old veteran sailor, all of this… it's sorely lacking women. There are habits, prejudices that are hard to bring down. With the Morbihan Challenge we will joyfully smash all that.

As to complete the adventurous aspect of this Challenge, we want to stick to the idea of doing it on a Hobie 18 Formula. Let us explain:

The Hobie 18

The Hobie 18 is a beach catamaran. In this case, it is Jean-Baptiste who lends it to us (because he is such a lovely fellow) in agreement with the happy group of Catapotes.

The fun part: the H18 is light, fast, easy to propel with paddles if the wind falls, and not too complicated to carry.

The tough part: the H18 is basically not designed for these adventures, so it has no storage, no cab or else. Nor does it have safety equipment in terms of distress flares, night navigation lights, first aid kits…

In short, this first Hobie (Hobie One, do you have it?) is a base, a raw material, a pie base, a wet clay in our resourceful and agile hands. And we need you to build the mighty ship we want.

Who are we?

Marc is a 1m90-tall little boy who has been sailing since he was 5 years old. All this time he has been sailing with his father between Brest and the island of Ré. The home port is in Noirmoutier, because that's where family roots dive. Besides, he is keen on rowing, and he works in Montpellier on the adaptation of agriculture to climate change ("Well, a lot to be done there!" Yes, we know ...). Today is about emancipation. After years of good and loyal service, the sailor wants to hoist his own sails and storm this adventure on his own. Well, actually, not on his own exactly. He started looking for a teammate, and Amelie found him!

Amélie, born in the French Eastern region called Franche-Comté, was not predestined to sailing. And yet... She grew the very special desire of going to South America… on a sailing ship! And that got to start sailing. She has not (yet) reached South America (the next Adventure maybe?) but has already learned a lot sailing in the South of France, between Palavas and Carnon. She sails in regattas with “Les Copains d’abord” and also with the association “Des Voiles & Femmes” (Sails & Women) which campaigns for gender diversity in crews (hey, that’s a coincidence!). And when Marc sent out his call for a teammate, she positively answered within the next minutes!

What's the money for?

Sailing is extremely nice. Unfortunately, it is also tragically expensive in terms of hardware. The sheets, the shackles, the halyards, the wings, the flares, the vests... all that is essential to a safely carried out adventure (if you did not understand a word of this list, you will have to take our word for it).

Hobie One is not as young as it used to be, it needs work: a poorly secured beam, a few micro waterways ... The obvious stigma of an active retirement, which must be treated without delay. Moreover, it is a huge challenge that we adapt it ("Pimp My Hobie One"!) so that it is capable of facing the Brittany Ocean.

Honestly, with 3000 € we could buy a younger and better equipped Hobie ... But that's not the purpose. When one knows the amount of non-recyclable waste that results from an abandoned boat, we can not consciously leave ours hanging on a tree on a service area. It would be way too cruel! So that is what your modest tips will be for. Jean-Baptiste and the merry Catapotes being generous enough to lend us the boat, we will do our best to give it back in a better condition than the one in which we found it!

We would like, ideally, to have only the logistical costs (still estimated at about € 1000) to get out of our pocket, to move the boat from the South to the West, feed and shelter.

You are also warmly invited to materially contribute to this adventure, if you have the means to lend us certain objects that are indispensable to us! Among them:

A road trailer for Hobie 18
"Wings" for Hobie 18 Formula (as rare as indispensable ...)
Handheld GPS with mapping
A portable VHF
A first aid kit
A sailboat compass for light sailboats
Waterproof bags
A mini "GoPro style" camera
Hobie equipment and spare parts
Time and skills for repairing our ol' fellow, currently staying and sailing in Carnon
We would even love some nutrition engineering: taking food for 3-4 days in a small space is a great deal of thinking!

We will also be happy to consider any sponsorship proposal, there is room everywhere for flags and stickers, and we will produce audiovisual material accordingly.

Thank you in advance for your help, may the Force be with you.

Paré à décoller... avec vous ! 26 Apr 2018

Certaines journées, il suffit d'une nouvelle pour que le bilan soit positif. Hier (par exemple), quelqu'un qu'on ne remerciera jamais assez a accepté de nous prêter des "ailes" pour le bateau ! Et les ailes, même si ça ne fait pas décoller, c'est un gain de confort et d'espace indispensable. Photo (réelle) à venir !

Plus forts que les ailes, vous pouvez nous aider à décoller en nous soutenant !

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